So tomorrow I’m going on a short break to the beautiful town of Sorrento, Italy.

This will be the view from the balcony in the bar.

Hypnotic View

I’ll be there tomorrow night sipping on an ice cold beer (you know, the ones that get condensation on the outside of the glass), and munching a lovely selection of super-salty peanuts on assorted corn based snacks.

In the day I’m going to be listening and going over the final cut of a Hypnosis recording I recently did with fellow Hypnotist Joseph Kao.

It’s  Ironic, because the title of the recoding is the Half Hour Hypnotic Holiday. You’ll be able to buy it fo a resonable price from here: It’s worth watching the intro video just to see the ludicrous scarf I was determined to wear (in spite of *knowing* I’d regret it very soon). It’s not available yet, – only the Happiness sessions is. for more on them go here:

I’m interested to listen to the recording to see if we’ve captured an appropriate experience for you the listener.

I’ll let you know how I get on then 🙂

Arriverderci. (or whatever).