
Redefine your self.

Discomfort ~ Don’t forget the pay off.

Here's the thing. This year I've offered up to the dark gods of discomfort (and man they're dark). Now, I've been progressing pretty well, had a whole bunch of discomfort, and I realised some way in that I was actually focus on the discomfort, as opposed to the...

Discomfort & growing in silence

So, this year, begrudgingly I've decided is all about discomfort. By this I mean the kind of discomfort that results in personal growth. Last year, generally speaking I ticked over and 'grew' organically in both personal and professional ways. While this is of course,...

My Facebook Address

Here's what I wrote on Facebook last night. For myself as much as (if not more than) others. I really hope that you get what you deserve, nothing more nothing less. If you deserve 'happyness', Find it. If you deserve anguish, relax, it'll almost certainly find you....

Methods from a Master’s Mind

Pretend Pretend I'm not just talking about fighting. Let's say, just pretend I'm talking about Life. or business or whatever you want really. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. So for the second time in my life, and this year, I was lucky enough to train with a real...

Stop playing Brain dead violent games.

This will take one minute to read. Most men enjoy playing the odd video game, and yeah, often these have violent content in varying degrees (Duke Nukem being my own guilty pleasure). But now I've found this, it gives food for thought. Excessive (10 hours or more)...

We’re all different.

Just a quickie today. We're all different. Among all the people I've worked this week with a Young man who is a Champion Thai Boxer (won his title in Thailand),  and a  man in his late 50's who's never fought beforestick out the most. I was seeing both of them for...

Trusting yourself and seeing it happen

Interesting experience the other day. In the same session of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I both got a minor promotion (a stripe on my blue belt) and had a very interesting conscious 'disassociation' during rolling (sparring). I'd been grinded into the mat and run ragged...

Fighting, Property, Mindsets.

I'm lucky. Lucky lucky lucky. I get to work with a whole bunch of people. Not just people who come to have Hypnosis in my Hypnotherapy Practice over here in Leafy Woodford Green. Not just people who need help to change, get rid of a habit or get over something. No, I...

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!