Discomfort & growing in silence

So, this year, begrudgingly I’ve decided is all about discomfort. By this I mean the kind of discomfort that results in personal growth. Last year, generally speaking I ticked over and ‘grew’ organically in both personal and professional ways. While...

With great children comes great responsibility…

Parenting. Not the easiest thing in the world is it? Even if you’re Ben White from Kidmunication! There’s a whole bunch of interesting child and parenting related research articles I’ve scalped for you today that are interesting, challenging and you...

The Smell of Death, the smell of Dentists.

You choose: The smell of Dental injections or the smell of, well, death. If you were to choose, what would it be? Let me back up and explain. So a while ago we had a couple of rats visit us. I’d plugged up the hole in my brickwork with wire wool  (prevents...

The healthy pursuit of Happiness

Everyday I scan a newsfeed of Neurology headlines. I admit, I’m a research junkie. Although sometimes I scan through them and mutter “well duh!” Case in point: Laughter has positive impact on vascular function Young brains lack the wisdom of their...

Batman Live – a case of “fur coat, nay knickers”

Today I took my son to see Batman Live at the O2. He enjoyed it, as did I in the main, though it was too bloody loud. Why does it have to be so loud? The noise of the Batmobile (well done, despite the critics slating it) driving were just ridiculous.   When two...