As someone who goes by the title of Changeworker, I’ve been very bad. Very bad indeed.

Here’s the thing. Doing the kind of work I do –  empowering people to embrace change and do it easily, I should know better, and yet, dammit I fell foul of yesterday.

OK, let me explain. Yesterday was the last day at nursery for my soon- to-be-4-year-old. It started me thinking about how these last bliss-filled years have just flown by. And how, because they have been well, if I’m honest, the most purposeful inspiring, educational and happiest times of my life, I did not want my son to enter primary school, it seems he was just growing up too fast. Children are little for what seems such a short time (to an adult), and yet, as I recall as a child, time . . . went . . . . s    l   o   w   l   y   .   .   .

(aside) It’d love to know (neurologically) why such massive age-specific time distortion occurs, so if you know –  tell me.

With the application of a few of the NLP thinking fundamentals (perceptual positions for the NLP Geeks), I realised that actually, this was a wholly selfish way of behaving. I hadn’t wanted him to continue to evolve and grow, because of fear of losing the wonderment that this initial phase of life had blessed me with.

Intellectually I know that this is illogical spock, and yet there is still a twang of emotion.

Nice to know I’m still human, in spite of all the NLP ‘woo-woo’.

