Way back in March r so, while rolling with a blue belt (who was also a high ranked trad JJ player) I got swept and *CRUNCH* my whole weight went boo on my right kneecap.
It caused me no end of trouble and I’ve had to be really weary of it.
It was taking ages to heal, and was still really awkward.
Since using the Kettlebell, I’ve noticed a dramatic increase in the rate of healing. Am I looking for it to be true? Probably. Has the impact loading on cartilage aided my recovery and rehabilitation – I’m certain of it.
So after all that, it works out that it *is* worth waking up groaning with muscle ache!
Really, there are so many benefits of using a kettlebell – goto www.dragondoor.com and click on articles to feast on why. Better still buy the book Enter the Kettlebell, by Pavel Tsatsouline – he’s the guru of the KB scene.
Here’s a clip of a belle using a bell. Did you see what I did there? Sorry. Joke: FAIL