The last post I made I blogged it was about conkers.
This time I want to try something different. Something that most of us do, I’m guessing.
It’s the way we can project our own experience of the world onto other people or apply it to the rest of the world. We try to shape the world based on our own experiences, thoughts, beliefs and values.
Doing a good NLP Training or reading the right kind of materials can help you cut down a lot of this, but I’m yet to hear see or experience one person who doesn’t to some extent.
So let’s see if I am wrong or right in my ‘Mind Read’ What’s one of them? A Mind Read is an often used NLP term given to instances where a person purports to know the thoughts or feelings of another person, without it having being already made explicit. Often sentences like this will begin something like:
“You’re going to do ‘x’ aren’t you?” or “I know what you’re thinking, you’re feeling ‘y’ today aren’t you?”
So here’s the thing. Yes, we do take in a lot through our eyes, ears and other senses to less concious degrees (the figure kicked around is 2 million bits of information per second). And, while we might often guess other people’s feelings etc. correctly (or think we do) it’s still not necessarily a statement based on validatable sensory evidence based criteria. Or ‘evidence’ to regular non-pompous people.
Anyway, before I *completely* lose track of this thing, let’s move on. It starts with a story first. The other day I was doing a little shopping for some groceries, and noted the store, (it might have been Waitrose), had stocked a shedload of Christmas biscuits and confectionery (please don’t ask me what I was doing down that aisle), and I did my default response of shaking my head and swearing under my breath, at the commercialism of it all I’m sure you can imagine the kind of thing (Mind read? – how the hell should I know what you’re capable of imagining?).
That was the experiences for my brain to note in the back of it, then while walking home from the School run later last last week I had another experience – this time is was the temperature of the air, a slight breeze, the smell of the day and then *BOOM* I got it. That BIG feeling (or kinaesthetic [Ki+] for you NLP geeks.
Now this feeling, is the same feeling I get every year – though usually a little later on.
So this is the final convoluted reason for this post, this feeling that I’m GUESSING (and hoping it is because it’s a wonderful feeling) that you have at some point in between now and the end of the year, if you haven’t already had it that is.
It’s the ‘Christmas’ feeling.
Was I right? Do you get it too?
Answers on a post card…
Now, here’s the pic that Google gave me based on “Christmas Feelings” – Result: Google FAIL
Christmas Feeling