Hey gang.
Hope you’re all well rested after a summer of mixed weather. Personally, I’m a routine-hound, so the prospect of getting back into them leaves me feeling all warm inside. You know the kind of thing.
As I type I’m extremely hoarse-voiced from shouting at Clients of mine for Fighter’s Mind
last night watching them win their fights. It’s really useful to eradicate pre-fight nerves, instill excellent state management, create confidence and focused aggression, can enhance actual technique and physical performance, result management, injury management, dealing with loss and dealing with success. It’s all the things that a Fighter is just ‘supposed to know’ and never told.
Actually I’m expanding this to normal humans, those not driven to expose themselves to extreme pain, hardship and victory in battle, as the case maybe. Instead it is the much talked about ‘Warrior Mindset’ (nearly always by some dumbass who’s never had a fight in his life) that can be applied to anyone, to allow a better mental approach.
This I call Fighter’s Mind: Elements
Fighter’s Mind: Elements is an approach that fosters a Warrior Mindset that allows you growl “bring it on” in the face of life’s dog turds. You’ll be able to tackle problems & conflicts like zero self esteem, being humiliated, pilloried and mocked or just passed over in life and instead embolden you to face them head-on like a Warrior or elegantly sidestep them like a Samurai. Before Clobbering them.
It’s for people who say “I’m so tired of this shit”. You know the kind of thing…
But last night was me watching fighters I’ve worked with for a long time and some a short time. Each had excellent results, and it was enjoyable for me to lose my Jedi-like composure (yeah right) for a short while, and became one of th madding, screaming throng, cheering on ‘my’ fighters, as Anthropologist Desmond Morris would put it “Hunting by proxy”.
It feels good to step out of your reality sometimes, as long as it isn’t too often and changes can happen outside of your reality too, and, as long as those changes can be drawn back into reality, then all the better.
Similarly, when I’m working from my office in Woodford Green, say for a client for Hypnotherapy / changework / Coaching whatever it’s being called this week, I notice that creating a space where the client can explore, with supportive guidance, areas of themselves and their inner minds they might not have known about or paid attention to before, in new ways, can bring about the changes they want. I recently have wanted to expand my ability to do this, and it’s for this reason that i ended up hosting Hypnotherapy and Brief Strategic Therapy training workshops too.But just like a fighter, I’m only interested in what works, so I target those therapists who I *know* get excellent results time after time.
I’m extremely excited about October for just these reasons – arguably two of the best therapists in the country are coming down to teach workshops! We have the Provocative Change WorksTM Intensive with Nick Kemp Oct 8 – 10th 2010 London – this is going to be extremely useful for therapists, but also a hell of a lot of fun in the process. It’s going to be an intensive learning experience, and a chance to see not only Frank Farrelly’s Provocative Therapy, but also the dynamite approach that is Provocative ChangeWorks – a rich blend of Provicative Therapy, blended with elements of Ericksonian Hypnosis and some unique changework methods that are impossibly effective (and I know as I’ve experienced them first hand!).
Go here for more on that – http://www.westessexhypnotherapy.co.uk/events.html#PT and because you’re reading this I’m still going to offer this at the excellent rate of £349 – that’s the earlybird rate that expired at the end of august! I’m doing this because I’ve got a couple of extra seats that I am determinted to fill! I’m only leaving this offer up for the next two days though, so move fast to snap up the places!
The usual IEMT – Integral Eye Movement Therapy Practitioner workshop is ramping up too! I still use this approach with just about every client I see – and nearly always with excellent results. Such a useful toolkit for anyone working in the ‘people’ industry NEEDS these skills! Go here for that:
I have another really exciting event to announce happening in December – more on that next time!
Till then, be well, and don’t take it so seriously.