Today I took my son to see Batman Live at the O2.
He enjoyed it, as did I in the main, though it was too bloody loud. Why does it have to be so loud?
The noise of the Batmobile (well done, despite the critics slating it) driving were just ridiculous.
When two young lads of 6 have to poke their fingers in their ears, I think something’s amiss.
We are, it would appear a society growing more and more into bigger, faster, louder, quicker = better.
Some of the time this is true, but not all of the time.
What the show lacked in substance, it made up for in whizz-bangs. Brilliant use of using the back wall as a projector space for creating a giant comic as well as setting as scenery backdrop was clever stuff.
Yet for all of these clever visuals and sensory richness, I still walked away feeling a little disappointed.
Indeed, it didn’t captivate me, and that’s saying something considering I really enjoy visual feats.
At one point I was sneakily hiding line of sight of my eyes from the line of sight of the other dad, and did nod off, despite the racket for a few seconds.
I guess I really am getting old.