I’ve been out for social events in London’s West End two nights on the trot now, yes, I’m fair dinkum tired, but I noticed something that interested me.
I observed that about just under 50% of passengers on the London Underground, at the times I was travelling on it, were using an ipod/mp3 player/smartphone. Some Had music, some had video some played games, some read, and well, some just checked it a bit.
Looked to me like there was a quiet revolution going on.
I noticed that I was one of their number, checking as soon as I had a signal, all the while listening to some audio (I’ll spare you what, it’s a little dull if you’re not me).
So that got me thinking. The creeping social little-death (no, not a petit-mort) looked like something from a Dr Who series.
An attractive useful device insidiously weaves its alluring pixellated spell on us all, slowly drawing us more and more into the (social) void.
I had a dig round on the intraweb, inspired, and found there’s been a little research on smartphone usage.
So, based on a UK study, the average smartphone user checks his or her device 34 times a day, for around 30 seconds, around 10 minutes apart. Sound like an addiction to you? Hoe about a habit?
And us Smartphoning Brits are quite openly calling ourselves “highly addicted” to them.
I don’t think it’ll be that long before I see a client for iPhone/Smartphone addiction.
As far as the harm that’s actually being done, it may vary. Having your attention taken by something in say a road could be pretty harmful, if you’re in la la land while you cross the road, being cut off from one of the primary life preserving senses isn’t a best practice.
As is singing outloud on the tube while sitting next to someone who’s ready to snap like a rubber band.
Could cause something similar to that of Falling down. and that would be a bad thing.
Falling Down – I want Breakfast
How much time are you spending on you device?
Wow – would I fall into the guilty category of checking my smartphone 34 times a day – I would like to think I am slightly less of an addict, but it probably one of those things you do without even realising it.
There is however no doubting the fact that people become engrossed in the world their earphones/ screens are supplying them, so whether you end up seeing clients for ‘smartphone addiction’ or simply ‘lack of confidence’ because they have actually forgotten how to communicate to another human being verbally….I am sure your client base will rise in future years.
In one way yes – good for me – in another way. I don’t want that to happen! Thanks for your comment Gill!