Again, writing from the beautiful Sorrentine Peninsula. Over the last couple of days I’ve been lucky enough to witness this rugged coast be charmed by the azure sea at various times of day, from erm, well not-quite-sunrise through to the stunning sunset.
As per my recent tweet, it’s easy here, to think creatively and differently from usual. Imagine that.
So this got me thinking. While I’ve not noticed anyone who looks like they’re suffering from depression or in any way depressed, I wonder why I might suggest to someone who had this or a similar condition. What would suggest (I don’t prescribe, doctors do that) that they do?
Well, the clue here I think is using the word *do*.
Doing stuff. That’s a good place to start. Actively walking out to spend time in differing scenarios, with people, without people, in nature – on the beach, in the hills. In fact I’m wondering what the result might be should our brave depressive adventurer, recently parachuted into Sorrento might respond to the following exercise…
Go to a place of natural beauty. Find and go to a spot, usually a higher place, where you can see a panoramic view of the landscape.
Take in said view, experiencing the vista for all it has to offer. Notice if there is any particular sounds and even smells from this perspective, as well as the obviously different view. Mentally log any internal dialogue, without conscious analysis. Just log it and then let it slip away.
Notice several landmarks from the view that catch your eye. These can be beautiful or mundane, big or small. Just note them.
Visit them. With minimal planning. Use google maps satellite view or some other resource if you must, but just go there (with cash and water of course). Think along the lines of the imperative looped message sent to Schwartzenegger’s character in Total Recall:
“Get your ass to Mars… Get your ass to Mars…”
N.B. actually getting off the chair and taking action is often a sticking point. So make it a temporary thing, make it a game and don’t cogitate over it. One can always go back to doing depression again tomorrow.
On arrival at the considered personal points of interest, use the opportunity to ‘zoom in’ on the detail of the place – sounds, sights and smells. Breathe in the place. Imagine ‘being’ the place. How’s it different up close and personal to looking at it from a distance. Which do you prefer and why?
Rinse and repeat step 5 for all the chosen places you noticed. Yes, this does take investment, on several levels. Magic wand currently on loan to Tom Riddle at present. Apols.
Go back to viewpoint in step 1. Re-view the scene. Then review your experience, sights, sounds smells etc. now you’ve been both distant and up close and personal.
Get in touch with me to tell me what you’re doing on 07903 713234 or email me on or message me directly from
So, what do *you* think the results will be?
Answers on a postcard…
Of all the people to pick from the Potter universe, I find it interesting that you went with Tom Riddle. *quirks an eyebrow*
Ha! It would have been Snape – the *ultimate* cool whip. But he died. Wait, so did Lord V. Bah. My Logic is flawed and floored. OK, I guess I’ve always had a soft spot for the Bad guys, though I prefer Anti-Heroes. I’m interested in redemption whereve possible, hoping for that to happen in the dampest of places. Thanks for commenting buddy!