This weekend I had two Fighter’s Mind Clients in title fights. One was a defence for an English Unlicensed Boxing Belt, the other was a shot at the title for a Mixed Martial Arts (Cagefighting) belt.
I’m pleased to say, both fighters were successful. (I was holding my breath all bloody weekend though).
This isn’t to say that these were easy experiences for the guys.
In fighting, like life, all the affirmations in the world won’t make the super magical Law of Attraction fairies make the opponent freeze and allow you to hit him.
It’s just not going to happen.
I’m not discounting mental training, hell it’s how I make my living, but it’s the how that is the important part.
Sticking all the ingredients in a bowl and crossing your fingers does not one Pavlova make.
Mmm Pavlova!
So knowing how exactly to use all the mental stuff, for both Hypnotherapy or other Mental performance coaching or just life in general is what separates the “Yays” from the “Boos”.
You *must* have coping mechanisms for dealing with problems, potential failure and challenges.
Well, only if you want to win, succeed for survive that is.
The secret to this is performing mental training is to factor in challenge and problems into whatever it is you’re doing. And in doing that paying attention to noticing how your evading, beating, conquering or bypassing the issue/person/problem.
Do that, and you’re training your noodle “When I face challenge, this is how I want to respond”.
This doesn’t mean the challenge will go away, or be effortless or that there won’t be some personal pain involved.
It *does* however stack the deck in the best way possible in your favour. assuming of course that you’ve taken care of all and any other variables into the equation.
And me, I like playing with a stacked deck.
So it would seem, do other people too, so what ‘deck’ do *you* want to be ‘stacked’?