In BJJ class this week, my teacher – Professor Walder explained how it is important to set up what you’re doing.
Getting in a position when facing resistance that gives you options, that is, if he pulls you in you can resist, if he pushes you away you can resist. Sometimes being non committal gives you the room you need to think and make a better informed decision.
Don’t rush, regardless of what others think do or say, make your play when it is right not when you’r urged to.
If time is running out, you take the best action you can when you can.
Drive forward slowly and surely and when you feel resistance (and more often you will) check to see if the application of further pressure will get a better result.
If you find it won’t, attack in a different direction. Move at an angle that isn;t expected, an angle that is taking you the long way round to your goal, yet still to your goal none the less.
Knowing when to be patient and when not to be, that’s some discernment right there.
And the secret is to practice.