So this discomfort thing…
I keep going on about it I know.
And in spite of knowing about the payoff, the light at the end of the tunnel, there’s still the thorny issue of, well, the bloody thorns themselves.
There’s an area I’ve been paying close attention to, as of this year. It all started with a whole load of struggle, so I got my head down.
Started to make a *little* headway, then got a little cocky about my infinitesimal progress. Then went for an assessment, to be found that actually, I still has fundamental flaws in my game.
I was a little crestfallen to be honest (oddly, the creative commons listed this bovine unit as ‘crestfallen – weird.)
However, what I got out of this, was some ultra-specific feedback on where I was going wrong.
Can you guess what happens next in this dreary and obvious micro-tale?
That’s right, I started to focus on those areas, (like a boss!) and then lo! Have started – only started mind you, to iron out those problems.
And it feels good.
Here’s a video of someone making progress of a different nature. Having Hypnotized a wild Crow once, I can relate to this.