
Redefine your self.

 🙏 Gratitude – a helpful and easy little exercise 🙏


Out of touch Life CoachSeems being grateful is the holy grail of personal development these days, doesn’t it?

Well for some good reason –  there’s a good deal of  research  science to support how beneficial it  is
and how  practicing being thankful for yourself & your life will provide you with a significant well being boost.


Well that’s great, but I don’t have time for some long drawn out hippie meditation.

  So, although Gratitude is a buzz word thrown out by usually a beach cartwheeling/ pretty/ young/ 20 something/ lifestyle/ instagram/ life coach.

This is thrown out, mid cartwheel as something we should all be practicing. 

And although it annoys me to admit it, it’s a wonderful activity that’s been hijacked from the old school Mindfulness & Meditation gang, and that’s ok.
[I  guess].

So here’s a really quick Gratitude exercise I do with clients to help them feel grateful and thankful for what they have and are. 

We often do this towards the end of a Life Coaching or Therapy session, here in sunny Woodford Green, Essex.

Here it is, you can try it too.


🙏 Gratitude Exercise 🙏

  1. Close your eyes & Take some deep breaths.
  2. Try to quiet your mind as best you can [it doesn’t have to be perfect].
  3. Imagine you’re you’re you’re going to the bank and you’re taking OUT everything that is valuable that you own.
    This is not limited to your treasured possessions and money, it could be pictures of your kids, or things are really really important to you.
  4. Place them in a wallet and put them in your back pocket.
  5. As you continue to walk down the street,you tap your back pocket and notice that you’ve LOST your most treasured possessions.
  6. RIGHT IN THAT MOMENT, you feel some kind person tap you on the shoulder telling you you dropped this and them giving you back your wallet.
  7. Imagine feeling that sense of gratitude for getting this back, and how full of thanks you would have towards that person?
  8. Imagine saying something like a heartfelt “Gosh, thank you so much, thank you, that is so amazing, thank you so much!”
  9. Notice fully that ‘flavour’ and intensity of gratitude, and then ‘LOOP’ it back to yourself,
    so that powerful sense of Gratitude is flowing back right into you.
  10. Maintain that, so you’re feeling grateful to yourself for the work that you’ve done, for who you are, for what you’ve been through &  survived.
  11. Focus on maintaining that that same intensity of gratitude for some time –  a couple of minutes usually.



That’s it.

Give it a try and let me know how you feel afterwards, and any questions, email me on or
Call 07903 713234 for gratitude coaching.

I’ll be most Grateful 🙏

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