Here’s the thing. This year I’ve offered up to the dark gods of discomfort (and man they’re dark). Now, I’ve been progressing pretty well, had a whole bunch of discomfort, and I realised some way in that I was actually focus on the discomfort,... So, this year, begrudgingly I’ve decided is all about discomfort. By this I mean the kind of discomfort that results in personal growth. Last year, generally speaking I ticked over and ‘grew’ organically in both personal and professional ways. While... Here’s what I wrote on Facebook last night. For myself as much as (if not more than) others. I really hope that you get what you deserve, nothing more nothing less. If you deserve ‘happyness’, Find it. If you deserve anguish, relax, it’ll... Pretend Pretend I’m not just talking about fighting. Let’s say, just pretend I’m talking about Life. or business or whatever you want really. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t. So for the second time in my life, and this year, I was lucky... In BJJ class this week, my teacher – Professor Walder explained how it is important to set up what you’re doing. Getting in a position when facing resistance that gives you options, that is, if he pulls you in you can resist, if he pushes you away you can...