Over the years working in this, quite frankly, weird job of mine, I’ve worked with quite a few different types of people. Two of which that stick out are professional fighters and [very] powerful business people. Neither group of people is used to...
FORWARD I’ve decided to bind and gag my inner control freak for well, today at least, by letting my good friend from America, Cherie Newland takeover the blog. I’m already sweating at the prospect of people thinking I’ve lost my power. Well, maybe I...
Learning to SLOW DOWN in 2019 Dear Reader, Today I’m writing from my (new) laptop with a bad headache. “So why don’t you get rid of the headache using self hypnosis or NLP?” This is true that I can successfully do this, and have done so...
Here are some ideas to consider and drill when you’re preparing for an interview. This is based on some of the things often explored in a Performance Session with me. Do your due diligence Firstly, do your due diligence. By this I mean make sure you ‘work...
Once upon a time I was on holiday in Italy. I’d wandered down to a little fishing village – and saw little old ladies patiently and systematically untangling these fishing nets in a totally playful Zen-like state. devoid of ANY frustrations or haste. I...
A fair amount of my business comes to me in the following manner: Client seeks hypnotherapy, maybe he or she lives in West Essex or East London (sometimes further out). Client fires up Google, is bombarded with Hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners with shiny websites...
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