6 helpful tips to be more Consistent Life | Business | Sport Subscribe 6 Helpful tips to be more Consistent - Audio version https://www.alanwhitton.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/alan-whitton.co_.uk-consistency-audio-blog.mp3 Join My Newsletter Success! Email Subscribe... Alan.Whitton.Blog. Redefine your self. Subscribe Join My Newsletter Success! Email Subscribe FollowFollowFollowFollow Back In April I recorded a video which was all about Cherry blossom and my fascination with it. Given that they symbolise both impermanence and the... Alan.Whitton.Blog. Redefine your self. Subscribe Join My Newsletter Success! Email Subscribe FollowFollowFollowFollow 🙏 Gratitude – a helpful and easy little exercise 🙏 Seems being grateful is the holy grail of personal development these days,... Alan.Whitton.Blog. Redefine your self. Subscribe Join My Newsletter Success! Email Subscribe FollowFollowFollowFollow Being in the present moment Where am I choosing to place my attention right now? Where.. am.. I.. choosing.. to. place.. my.. attention? [At the... Over the years working in this, quite frankly, weird job of mine, I’ve worked with quite a few different types of people. Two of which that stick out are professional fighters and [very] powerful business people. Neither group of people is used to... So by now you’ll all know that practicing Mindfulness is good for you “But it’s so bloody boring and I get distracted so easily.” *Sigh* Yes, it can, at first seem that way. But there’s a cheat code for Mindfulness, a backdoor entry point...